aka Dr. Thomas L. Rhea
Electronic Music Historian, Musician, Author & Teacher
These resources are free, and are provided for personal use and/or professional quotation with proper citation. I hope you find them useful in your music-making. Reproduction in electronic and/or in print form is allowed only with written permission. Your feedback and/or requests for reproduction may be made by using the Contact Form on this site. I strongly suggest that you return to, and/or guide others to this website's Resources page frequently, as we upgrade and add to its offerings from time to time. This strategy is in lieu of simply sharing your previously downloaded Resources PDFs with others. By all means, share the latest! The Resources are in chronological order below, or click on your area of interest using the circles below. This site best viewed in Desktop mode.

Electronic Music History
TEMPO (Total Electronic Music Programs Worldwide) Brochure - 1974-1975
by Tom Rhea - Promotional Flyer - Lectures - In-Service Training - Workshops - Consultation
Photo L-R: Del Aebischer, State Consultant - Douglas Anderson - Tom Rhea - Sally McBride
Consultancy with state of Oregon to provide training for Oregon music teachers - public clinics
Expo: History of Electronic Musical Instruments 1976 - NAMM 75th Anniversary June 25-29, 1976
McCormick Place - Chicago, Illinois - Larry Linkin, NAMM President - Thanks to Dan Del Fiorentino
Sponsored by: Electronic Arts Foundation Principals: Tom Rhea, David Van Koevering, Les Trubey
Nyle Steiner playing EVI prototype - Photo restorations by Matt Traum, Patchman Music
Moog European Tours - England, Netherlands, Copenhagen, Milan, Paris - 8/12-9/22, 1976 (1975)
Major European Trade Shows - Dealer Sales Training - Orientation for Val Podlasinski, Norlin Europe
History lectures, both public and at various European institutions of higher education
By Dr. Thomas L. Rhea, Clinician and lecturer
Imoogination II - 1977
Courtesy Brian Kehew - Digital restoration by Joseph Bastardo
- Tom Rhea interviews synthesizer pioneers Chick Corea,
Larry Fast, Jan Hammer, Roger Powell, and Gary Wright
Bob Moog interview by Dominic Milano - David Luce interview by Steve Smith
- Dr. Thomas L. Rhea "Conducting The Interviews," for Norlin Music Inc.
"The Art of the Theremin" Episode - Camera Three 28'27" - May 28, 1978
Produced and Directed by Roger Englander - Aired on WCBS in New York City
In Cooperation with the New York State Education Department
A Production of Robert and Shirleigh Moog
University of Maryland - Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library - Digital Collections
With thanks to: John R. Davis, Curator - Special Collections in Performing Arts
- Clara Rockmore, Theremin - Nadia Reisenberg, Piano
Robert Sherman, Host - Bob Moog and Thomas Rhea, Invited Guests
Ralf Bode, Videographer - Video restoration by Matt Traum
- Clara Rockmore, Theremin - Nadia Reisenberg, Piano
Synchronisms: A Focus on Electronic Music - January 31-February 14, 1979
Hofstra University - Long Island, New York - The Emily Lowe Gallery - Emily Lowe Recital Hall
Coordinated by Associate Professor Herbert A. Deutsch and Assistant Professor Laura Greenberg
Exhibit of vintage electronic musical instruments by The Electronic Arts Foundation
Dr. Thomas L. Rhea, President - Les Trubey & David Van Koevering, Principals
Electronic Music - Its Developments and its Impact - Emily Lowe Recital Hall - February 1, 1979
Panelists: Robert A. Moog, Thomas L. Rhea, Vladimir Ussachevsky, Konstantin Simonovich
Moderator: Herbert A. Deutsch
Lecture and Concert on the ondes Martenot - Emily Lowe Hall - February 2, 1979
Arlette Sibon-Simonovich
Lecture-Exhibit of Early Films, Tapes, Recordings of Electronic Music - February 5, 1979
Konstantin Simonovich
Introduction to Computer Music - Emily Lowe Hall - February 8, 1979
Charles Dodge
Turmoil in MIDI-Land: The Fast-Growing Synthesizer Industry Struggles to Implement a Standard
Digital Interface - Keyboard Magazine June 1984
Commentary by Dave Smith, Jim Smerdel, Jim Mothersbaugh, Roger Clay, Tom Oberheim,
Marco Alpert, Tom Rhea, Carmine Bonanno, Chris Albano, Will Alexander, and Ralph Phraner
By Dominic Milano
The Art of Electronic Music - GPI Publications 1984
Compiled by Tom Darter, Edited by Greg Armbruster - originally published in Keyboard magazine
- The History of Electronic Musical Instruments excerpted from Tom Rhea EP columns 1977-1981
- Thomas L. Rhea, Electronic Perspectives columns - copyright 1977-1981
OxyLights Music & Light Show - Niagara Falls NY Festival of Lights - Winter 1985-1986
Preliminary OxyLights Proposals - April 25, 1985 and June 6, 1985
By Tom Rhea
OxyLights: Occidental - Moog Electronics - Niagara Falls Tourism - Management Committee
Photo L-R: (Unknown), Tom Rhea, Mike Tartaglia, Michael Reichgut, Eddy Joseph, Duane Stamp
OxyLights: Moog Song Producer/OxyLights hardware & software schema
Commodore 64 Software for Song Producer and OxyLights Editor by Robert J. Makar
OxyLights Editor design: Tom Rhea & Bob Makar - OxyLights Color Organ images: Tom Makar
First Album for OxyLights - original music & light show (movements 1-3) by Tom Rhea
(1) I Love NY 02'01" - (2) Algorithmic 02'55" - (3) Red, Green, Yellow & Blue Blues 03'02"
First Album for OxyLights videos are Commodore 64 Editor Screen Versions
For a 19'10" video re genesis of OxyLights go to
Reynold Weidenaar: The Telharmonium: A History of the First Music Synthesizer, 1893-1918 - (1988)
Computer Music Journal Volume 12, Number 3 Fall, 1988 MIT Press Journals
- Thomas L. Rhea, review of Reynold Weidenaar PhD Dissertation - NYU 1988
- Letter of support to Reynold Weidenaar's Doctoral Committee for this topic - July 26, 1982
- By Tom Rhea
SCAN 8th Symposium on Small Computers in the Arts - Philadelphia, PA - November 11-13, 1988
Some Random Remarks About Music Synthesis - Thomas L. Rhea, PhD
Assistant Chairman, Music Synthesis Department - Berklee College of Music - Boston MA
Pioneers Panel 57'36" - 11 November 1988 - Videotape 88-01, 1989 SCAN Merchandise Catalog
Robert A. Moog - Laurie Spiegel - Don Slepian - Thomas L. Rhea, Moderator - Max V. Mathews
Superior video and audio restoration by Matt Traum
Music of the Electron: A Concert/Demonstration - March 12, 1989
Performers/presenters: Dr. Richard C. Boulanger - Dr. Thomas L. Rhea - Berklee College of Music
Talcott Mountain Center for School Involvement - Avon, Connecticut
Photo: Principals L-R - Robert A. Moog - Thomas L. Rhea - Donald La Salle, Director TMSC
Photo: Principals L-R - Thomas L. Rhea - Robert A. Moog - Richard C. Boulanger
Electronic and Computer Music - SCISTAR Interactive Educational Television Network series:
On The Shoulders of Giants 57'12" - Talcott Mountain Center for School Involvement - 03/13/1989
Video: Principals L-R - Dr. Donald P. La Salle, Host - Dr. Robert A. Moog - Dr. Thomas L. Rhea
Painstaking video/audio reconstruction by Matt Traum
Electronic Music Plus 17 International Festival September 21-23,1989
Oberlin Conservatory of Music - Michael Daugherty and Kathryn Eichelman, Co-Directors
Complete 49 page International Festival Program: Scheduled Events - Program Notes - The Artists
Lecture: The History of Electronic Musical Instruments - September 22, 1989
- Thomas L. Rhea, PhD - Berklee College of Music - Boston, Massachusetts
- Concert VI - Museum Music 1.0 - FIFO 1 FIFO 2 - Stretto 1 Stretto 2 - September 23, 1989 - 14'07"
- Thomas L. Rhea, PhD - Berklee College of Music - Boston, Massachusetts
Electronic Music Plus Seventeenth International Festival
Computer Music Journal Volume 14, Number 1 Spring, 1990 MIT Press Journals
- Thomas Rhea, review of EM+ 17 Festival - Oberlin Conservatory of Music - Oberlin, Ohio
A Tribute to the 20th Anniversary of the Bourges International Festival of Electroacoustic Music
La Maison Francaise de Washington - Embassy of France - Georgetown, Washington, D. C.
Founders Françoise Barrière and Christian Clozier in attendance - 9-10 November 1990
"Illustrated Lecture on the History of Electronic Instruments" - Dr. Thomas Rhea
Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey - (video montage excerpt) - Steven M. Martin, Director/Writer - 1993
"A documentary about the inventor of the first electronic synthesizer instrument and his subsequent life
after he was abducted by the KGB as well as a history of his instrument." [Tom Rhea: The Theremin could
never be categorized as a "synthesizer." It is clearly an instrument in the orchestral tradition.]
- Consultation and many still photographs courtesy Tom Rhea
Gayle Young: The Sackbut Blues–Hugh Le Caine: Pioneer in Electronic Music 1989 - (reviewed 1995)
- National Museum of Science and Technology, Ottawa, Ontario K1G 5A3, Canada
- also distributed by University of Chicago Press, 1989, 274 pages, ISBN 0-660-12006-2
- Computer Music Journal Volume 19, Number 4 Winter, 1995 MIT Press Journals
- Tom Rhea, review of Gayle Young book in 1995 - Millis, Massachusetts, USA
- Computer Music Journal Volume 19, Number 4 Winter, 1995 MIT Press Journals
A History of Early Electronic Musical Instruments 86'46" - WPI - Worcester MA - 21 March 1995
Public lecture sponsored by the Music Department of Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Illustrated with slides and audio examples (The only known video of this lecture I gave many times!)
Guest Speaker Dr. Tom Rhea - Dr. Frederick W. Bianchi, Director of Music Technology Research
Yeoman Video & Audio restoration by Matt Traum
Tom Rhea Interview by Irwin Chusid Regarding Raymond Scott - March 27 & 29, 1997
Irwin Chusid administers the Raymond Scott and Sun Ra musical estates, and is a journalist, radio
personality (WFMU), music historian, record producer, and self-described "landmark preservationist"
The 103rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society 1997
AES Goes Gold - Celebrating 50 years as the global forum for professional audio
The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York City - September 16-19, 1997
Electronic Music Synthesis and Control - Chairman: Robert A. Moog, Big Briar Inc.
- Gliding Pitch Technology in Electronic Musical Instruments: A Retrospective
- Thomas L. Rhea, Berklee College of Music, Music Synthesis Department, Boston MA (invited)
Interview of Bebe Barron of Forbidden Planet Film Fame 69'32" - Los Angeles, CA - August 12, 1998
by Tom Rhea - (Videography by David Kean)
E-STAR (Experiments in Science-Technology-Art Residencies) Residency 2000-2001
Artist-Historian Residency November 27 - December 4, 2000 with follow-on in Spring 2001
- E-STAR program Rockefeller Foundation, public funds from New York State Council on the Arts
- Exploration of DVD technologies - artistry and technology of electronics in the film/video score
- Institute for Electronic Arts (IEA), School of Design at Alfred University NYSCC, Alfred NY
- A History of Electronic Musical Instruments - Vintage Examples (November 30, 2000)
- Music Technology is Hiding Everywhere - From Blatent to Unobtrusive (December 1, 2000)
- Thomas L. Rhea, Berklee College of Music, Resident at IEA Alfred University, Alfred NY
- Institute for Electronic Arts (IEA), School of Design at Alfred University NYSCC, Alfred NY
Residency Outcomes: 11 DVDs illustrate use of electronics in soundtracks of videos and films 2001
Core IEA Residency Personnel: Tom Rhea - Tom and Peer Bode - Lara Odell and Tom 2000-2001
Master of the Trautonium - Heard on All Things Considered - National Public Radio - March 1, 2002
Audio interview of Tom Rhea - Via telephone at Berklee College of Music - Boston MA 4'22"
Hear this interview with pictures at:
Leslie J. Nicholas, Electronic Design Assistant 39'54" Estey Development Team - September 28, 2002
Discussion includes Estey Organ Electronics Lab 1955-1960 during the tenure of Harald Bode
By Tom Rhea with Georg Steinmeyer - Peer Bode, Videography
Georg and Hanne Steinmeyer Video Interview 30'40" - September 29, 2002
Georg Steinmeyer - A Principal Founder of the Estey Organ Museum in Brattleboro, Vermont
Topics for discussion include the electronic organ(s) developed by Harald Bode for the Estey Company
By Dr. Tom Rhea - Peer Bode, Videography
Three Generations and Two Worlds of Electroacoustic Musical Instrumentation - September 29, 2002
Comprehensive lecture on the career of Harald Bode - Estey Organ Museum in Brattleboro, Vermont
By Dr. Tom Rhea - (PDF includes images that supported this lecture)
Harald Bode – Pioneer - Born Hamburg, Germany (1909-1987): Three Generations and Two Worlds of Electroacoustic Musical Instrumentation Design - Graphic Triptych - June, 2003
The Estey Organ Museum - Brattleboro, Vermont - Georg Steinmeyer, Exhibition Director
- Design and printing by Lara Odell - Consultation by Peer Bode - Institute for Electronic Arts
- Text by Dr. Tom Rhea, Music Technology Division, Berklee College of Music, Boston MA
- Design and printing by Lara Odell - Consultation by Peer Bode - Institute for Electronic Arts
Get The Picture: Know The Score - Survey of Electronics in the Film Score - 17 April 2008
The Worcester Polytechnic Institute Music Department - In Cooperation with the Center for
Interactive and Media Arts - Room 116 Atwater Kent Labs - Worcester (MA) Polytechnic Institute
Guest Speaker Dr. Tom Rhea - Dr. Frederick W. Bianchi, Director of Music Technology Research
A Life for Sound: The Inventor Harald Bode and Electronic Music 53'40" - October 17, 2009
Radio Documentary by Caspar Abocab - Documentary in German - German Script
English voices: Harald Bode, Ralf Bode, Peer Bode, Dr. Thomas Rhea - Voiceovers of English Voices in German by: Johannes Steck, Thomas Loibl, Rahel Comtesse, Burchard Dabinnus, Andreas Neumann, Walter von Hauff - Voices in German: Irmgard Bode, Georg and Hanne Steinmeyer, Werner Meyer-Eppler, Robert Beyer, Günter Bialas, Harald Bode, Ralf Bode and others.
(Audio file below starts with moment of silence.)
Rendezblue Time Cycle Art Festival 2009
Burchfield Penney Art Center at Buffalo State College - New York
- Harald Bode's Vocoder and Its Musical Legacy 55'27" - February 7, 2009
- By Thomas L. Rhea, PhD - Peer Bode, Videography - Don Metz, Coordinator/Host
- Audio restoration & video enhancement by Matt Traum, Patchman Music
- By Thomas L. Rhea, PhD - Peer Bode, Videography - Don Metz, Coordinator/Host
- Harald Bode's Vocoder and Its Musical Legacy 55'27" - February 7, 2009
Together Festival - Music/Art/Technology - Boston, MA - April 18-24, 2011 - David Day, Organizer
- Deconstructing Dad: The Music, Machines and Mystery of Raymond Scott - by Stan Warnow
- April 22 - Berklee College of Music - Room F12 - 1140 Boylston St. - Boston, MA 02115
- Photo L-R: David Day - Stan Warnow - Tom Rhea - Michael Bierylo (Chair, EPD Department)
- Photo L-R: Stan Warnow - Tom Rhea - Michael Bierylo
- Photo L-R: Stan Warnow - Tom Rhea
- Photo L-R: Stan Warnow - Tom Rhea - Michael Bierylo
- Deconstructing Dad: The Music, Machines and Mystery of Raymond Scott - by Stan Warnow
La Communauté électroacoustique canadienne/Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC)
- eContact! - Harald Bode - Issue 13.4 - Guest Editor, Rebekkah Palov - July 2011
- Harald Bode's Four Voice Assignment Keyboard (1937) - by Tom Rhea (from December 1979)
- Bode's Melodium and Melochord - by Tom Rhea (from January 1980)
- Harald Bode's Frequency Shifters and Vocoders - by Tom Rhea (from February 1980)
- eContact! - Harald Bode - Issue 13.4 - Guest Editor, Rebekkah Palov - July 2011
National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Oral History Interview of Tom Rhea 60'05"
By Dan Del Fiorentino, NAMM Music Historian - North Grafton, MA - October 16, 2011
Deconstructing Dad: The Music, Machines, and Mystery of Raymond Scott
Movie Theater Film Premiere - Quad Cinema, New York City - July 13, 2012
Stan Warnow, Director - Jeff E. Winner, Co-Producer - Isil Bagdadi, CAVU Pictures
- Thomas L. Rhea - Herbert A. Deutsch - Presenters and Panelists
- Agreement between Tom Rhea and Raymond Scott Enterprises, inc. - August 01, 1970
- Nashville Branch of The Clavivox Rental Agency - Tom Rhea, Manager
- Marketing form letter - Nashville Division - Raymond Scott Enterprises - 1970
- Nashville Branch of The Clavivox Rental Agency - Tom Rhea, Manager
Imagination and Innovation: The World of Raymond Scott - WZBC Radio - November 16. 2012
Brian Carpenter, Producer & Host - Part 6 - Manhattan Research, Inc. (1950-1969) 60'55"
- Brian Carpenter, Producer and Host - with: Tom Rhea, Jeff Winner, and Brian Dewan
- Brian Carpenter, Producer & Host - Parts 1-6 - WZBC Boston College Radio 90.3 FM, Chestnut Hill, MA
- Brian Carpenter with: Irwin Chusid, Jeff Winner, David Harrington, Brian Dewan,
- J. G. Thirlwell, DJ Spooky, Daniel Goldmark, Will Friedwald, Paul Miller, and Tom Rhea
The Everything ARP Symposium - David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music - Nov 7, 2015
Fetes, Interviews and panel discussions honoring Alan R. Pearlman, founder of ARP synthesizers
Creating the Market for ARP Synthesizers - Part One 14'36" - Part Two 17'09" - Part Three 8'45"
L-R: Michael Brigida - Tom Piggott - David Frederick - Tom Rhea, Moderator
Continuous Pitch-Space Instruments 52'59" - Inaugural ContinuuCon - Asheville, NC - 9-11 June 2016
A 3 Day Celebration of the Haken Continuum: Talks, Workshops, Jams, Demonstrations, Dinners
- Talk With Video and Audio Examples by Dr. Tom Rhea - Berklee College of Music
Video Interviews of Tom Rhea
Interviews by Immanuel Brockhaus - August 2016
#1 Tom Rhea's Personal History - Dissertation Topic 1972 - Bob Moog - VAKO - Moog Music - Jim Scott 08'25"
#2 Evolution of the Moog Synthesizer - Trumansburg, NY - Minimoog Models A-D - Van Koevering 13'31"
#9 Synth Documentation - Non-Tech "Touchy-Feely" Manuals - Rick Wakeman & Minimoog Manual 03'53"
Electronic Music Pioneers: A History of Music and Technology - BBC News - Last on 5 May 2019
Richard Fenton-Smith, Senior Producer BBC Current Affairs - Pink Floyd's Nick Mason, Host
Tom Rhea et al, Interviewees for BBC Radio Program - Program no longer available
Rewiring Raymond Scott - Radio Documentary BBC 3 - Sunday Feature December 22, 2019
Dan Shepherd, Producer: Far Shoreline Productions - Ken Hollings, Author/Host - (start @ 1'58")
With thanks to Marr Sound Archives, University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC)
- Irwin Chusid is a journalist, music historian, radio personality, record producer, and self-described "landmark preservationist." He is associated with Marr Sound Archives, and is the Executor for Raymond Scott and Sun Ra musical catalogs.
- Tom Rhea et al, interviewees.
- Irwin Chusid is a journalist, music historian, radio personality, record producer, and self-described "landmark preservationist." He is associated with Marr Sound Archives, and is the Executor for Raymond Scott and Sun Ra musical catalogs.
The Art of the Sound Physiker: A Conversation About Harald Bode – 120'15" 2021
ZKM Center for Art and Media - Karlsruhe, Germany - July 13, 2021 - Via Zoom Meeting
- Tom Rhea - Peer Bode - Rebekkah Palov - Felix Mittelberger, Archivist ZKM - Panelists
YouTube Channel Videos Re Electronic Music And Its Instrumentation. Joined 04 September 2022
- Featuring many of the pioneers of electronic music synthesis and Tom Rhea's interactions with them.
The Last Archive - Season Four: "Player Piano" –Raymond Scott's Lifelong Quest – 62'02" June 2023
Ben Naddaff-Hafrey (Host) & Sophie McKibben - "Raymond Scott’s lifelong quest to build an automatic songwriting machine, and what it means for our own AI-addled, ChatGPT world." (RS segment starts at 1'58")
- Irwin Chusid, Jeff Winner, Stan Warnow, Deborah Scott Studebaker et al, and Tom Rhea
- Irwin Chusid is a journalist, music historian, radio personality, record producer, and self-described "landmark preservationist." He is the Executor for Raymond Scott and Sun Ra musical catalogs.
- Irwin Chusid, Jeff Winner, Stan Warnow, Deborah Scott Studebaker et al, and Tom Rhea
For complete information on the book, visit For an amazing collection of historic synthesizer documents–audio and video, be sure to check out Tom Rhea's SynGuru website at Joe Bastardo's website is at Brian Kehew's website is at
Video produced and edited by Matt Traum for Matt's Time Machine
The Story of Chroma: A Legacy of Innovation – Cherry Audio – 5'48" Premiered May 14, 2024
traces it revolutionary path from the final days of ARP Instruments to its celebrated release by Rhodes in 1982.
Featuring commentary from Dr. Tom Rhea, Michael Brigida, and Mary Lock, Service Manager
Produced by Daniel Liston Keller – Editing & Graphics by Mal Meehan – Music by James Terris
Matt Traum and Alistair Parnell discuss wind and other expressive synthesis modalities with Tom Rhea.
"This episode delves into the subtleties of sound, as Dr. Rhea delves into the complex world of formants and their pivotal role in shaping the timbre of instruments. Prepare to be captivated by the Electronic Valve Instrument's (EVI) analog warmth and versatility, and learn how formants ensure each instrument in an orchestra can sing its unique song without discord. The human voice as the ultimate formant generator is also a fascinating topic we unravel, shedding light on how this knowledge enhances both synthesis and mixing techniques." Matt Traum
"Few people can come close to Tom Rhea's first-hand history with music technology and synthesis. We do a deep dive into his work and his unique perspective on the science and craft."
Daniel Liston Keller -
By Gayle Young - Canadian composer, instrument designer, sound artist, and author.
An Interview with Tom Rhea by Brian Kehew - Introduction by Michelle Moog-Koussa, Moog Foundation - Moogseum
Introductory music by EMEAPP - Vince Pupillo, Jr. - Mike Kiker - Drew Raison
Closing music by Dr. Benjamin Luce - - (Bottom of page.)
By Dr. Paul D. Lehrman, PhD – Distinguished Senior Lecturer In Music – Co-Director Program in Music Engineering – Tufts University
Moog Sonic Six Synthesizer
The Moog Sonic Six Operation Manual 1972
- Courtesy Brian Kehew - In Remembrance of David Van Koevering
by Thomas L. Rhea PhD, for Moog Music Inc.
- Courtesy Brian Kehew - In Remembrance of David Van Koevering
Response to comments made regarding development of the Moog Sonic Six and Minimoog by Gordon Reid
in his article "Moog Sonic 6 - Analogue Synthesizer (Retrozone)" in Sound on Sound Magazine March 2002
by Jim Scott and Tom Rhea (2023)
A Remembrance of David and Becky Van Koevering 2022
David Van Koevering's Parents - Bob Moog and David Van Koevering - Les Trubey & David Van Koevering
giving clinic - Rick Powell, David Luce, Tom Rhea, and David Van Koevering boating on Tampa Bay, Florida
U. S. Patent 5,908,997 (1999)
Remembrance by Tom Rhea
I Knew David Van Koevering 6'28"- Video Recollection by Tom Rhea 2018
Moog Minimoog Model D Synthesizer
Moog Minimoog Model D Operation Manual 1974
by Thomas L. Rhea PhD, for Moog Music Inc.
Moog Minimoog Ad Concepts ca. 1975-1976
by Tom Rhea, for Moog Music Inc.
Moog Minimoog Sound Charts 1974
by Tom Rhea, for Moog Music Inc.
Moog Synthesizer Accessory Operation Manual
Moog Synthesizer Accessory Operation Manual 1974
by Tom Rhea, for Moog Music Inc.
Synthesizer Accessories - Engineer Perspective - ca.1975
by Jim Scott, for Moog Music Inc.
Moog Micromoog Synthesizer
Moog Micromoog Operation Manual 1976
by Tom Rhea, for Moog Music Inc.
Moog Multimoog Synthesizer
Moog Prodigy Synthesizer
Moog Prodigy Owner's Manual 1979
by Tom Rhea, for Moog Music Inc.
Moog Prodigy Multilingual Edition Owner's Manual 1981
by Tom Rhea, for Moog Music Inc.
Thanks to Dirk Matten, Hajo Wiechers, and René Lefevre
Functional Design of Synthesizers
Development of the Moog Micromoog 1973-1975:
"Moog University" Moog Products Dealer Sales Training - Buffalo/Kenmore, NY area
Micromoog Ribbon Technique - Tom Rhea, Clinician/Performer ca. 1979 - 01'58"
Micromoog Ribbon Technique - Tom Rhea, Clinician/Performer ca. 1979 - 00'46"
"Moog University" Moog Products Dealer Sales Training - Buffalo/Kenmore, NY area
Micromoog Keyboard Touch-Time Sensitivity Due To Inverted Filter Envelope
Micromoog Keyboard Technique - Tom Rhea, Clinician/Performer ca. 1979 - 01'30"
"Moog University" Moog Products Dealer Sales Training - Buffalo/Kenmore, NY area
Micromoog Sample and Hold - Playing Keyboard/Routing/Release/etc. controls
Micromoog Sample and Hold - Tom Rhea, Clinician/Performer ca. 1979 - 01'14"
Development of the Moog Multimoog 1976-1977:
Development of the Moog Prodigy 1979:
Photo - The Prodigy Ad (first version), created by Tom Rhea
Tom Rhea Work Log - Prodigy development era
Photos - Prodigy Point Of Purchase overlays, created by Tom Rhea
Development of the Crumar Spirit 1981:
Product Retrospective in Sound on Sound by Gordon Reid July 2001
Ben Luce: Inspired by Sound - Crumar Spirit Improvs: Spirit of Synthesis I & II
Classroom Handouts
Copyright Thomas L. Rhea 1999-2000
Spoken description of a Channel Vocoder 2'19" - By Tom Rhea
Listen while viewing Channel Vocoder PDF immediately above
PP (Progressive Patches)
VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier)
Courseware For Music Technologists
Tom's Selected College Course Topical Outlines
Thoughtware For Music Technologists
Tom's Long-Form Learners' Aids
Crumar Synthesizers
Crumar Stratus Owner's Manual 1982
by Tom Rhea, for Crumar s.p.a.
Crumar Spirit (Original) Owner's Manual ca.1983
by Tom Rhea, for Crumar s.p.a.
EVI (Electronic Valve Instrument) Owner's Manual 1980
by Tom Rhea, for Music Technology Inc.
Masters Touch Owner's Manual 1980
by Tom Rhea, for Music Technology Inc.
Four (4) Antique Performances using Various Instruments (Excerpts)
Moog: Micromoog - Multimoog - (Bode) Vocoder - Moog 907 Fixed Filter
Steiner Electronic Valve Instrument (EVI) - Steiner Master's Touch
Anders Otterland, Composer - Tom Rhea, Performer (most melodic lines)
Commentary by Tom Rhea with Anders' Music Notation Fragment
Audio Track Four (4) Performances 6'21" - Tom Rhea et al - As Described