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aka Dr. Thomas L. Rhea
Electronic Music Historian, Musician, Author & Teacher
The Art of Electronic Music - GPI Publications 1984
Compiled by Tom Darter, Edited by Greg Armbruster - originally published in Keyboard magazine
- The History of Electronic Musical Instruments excerpted from Tom Rhea EP columns 1977-1981 ​
- Thomas L. Rhea, Electronic Perspectives columns - copyright 1977-1981
Classroom Handouts
Copyright Thomas L. Rhea 1999-2000
ADSR (Envelope and Gate Signals)
AFAM (Audio Frequency Amplitude Modulation)
CC (Control Configurations)
CV (Channel Vocoder)
Spoken description of a Channel Vocoder 2'19" - By Tom Rhea​​
Listen while viewing Channel Vocoder PDF immediately above
CF (Cutoff Filters)
LFM (Linear Frequency Modulation)
N (Noise)
OS (Oscillator Synchronization)
​PP (Progressive Patches)
SWS (Signal Waveform/Spectrum)
SADC (Source-Attenuation-Destination Configurations)
VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier)
Functions: Exponential and Logarithmic Graphics
Courseware For Music Technologists
Tom's Selected College Course Topical Outlines
Survey of Electroacoustic Music Topical Outline
Electronics in the Soundtrack Topical Outline
Musical Devices for Tonal Composition Topical Outline
Thoughtware For Music Technologists
Tom's Long-Form Learners' Aids
ACT (Signal Functions: Audio-Control-TIming)
Modular Sound Synthesis: A Learner's Glossary
Commentary on Value of Anonymous Student Evaluations
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